In line with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (United Nations Resolution 217 A of December 10 1948) and in accordance with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) SPRINGBOARD FOUNDATION seeks to ensure the realization of this goal across a range of activities geared towards the empowerment of the less privileged.

Abuse and discrimination.
More than seventy years since the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was enacted and following subsequent legal regional as well as national regulations intended to ensure that individuals enjoy the same rights wherever they are, many persons around the world still face many forms of abuses and discrimination.
protecting and empowering the less privileged.
The situation becomes even more precarious in developing countries plagued by conflicts or crises, which continue to displace many on daily basis. This continues to endanger the lives of many in many parts of the world and in most cases, this often goes on unnoticed due to the absence of either organizations or resources to identify and protect the rights of these affected individuals. In this regard, SPRINGBOARD FOUNDATION takes proactive action identifying, protecting and empowering the less privileged.