Protecting the Rights of the Vulnerable
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Program Overview
There are certain groups and or individuals who are weak and vulnerable for various reasons. These groups or individuals are often exposed to many forms of discrimination and abuses in the society. Human Rights Instruments are always set to protect the rights of these persons in a bit to ensure equity in spheres of human endeavors
The Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, for example, has repeatedly stressed that states should extend special protective measures ensure some degree of priority consideration, even in the face of severe resource constraints. Despite this encouragement, many persons in many parts of the world still cannot have access to good quality water, food, basic healthcare, education and skills that can empower them economically.
- Protection and Advocacy
- Cameroon
Program Goals
SPRINGBOARD FOUNDATION focuses on persons and groups which fall within the following categories to empower them through a range of activities.
- Children affected by uncommon illnesses and those from poor backgrounds.
Many children today are stigmatized due to poor health conditions and or backgrounds and this poses a serious challenge to the economic growth of these children.
- Less Privileged Inmates
In many parts of the world so many are jailed under precarious conditions without medical attention and proper hygiene.
- Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs)
Conflicts and wars continue to force many to migrate to other towns to live under precarious conditions. In most cases these individuals are deprived on basic social amenities.