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Springboard Foundation Cameroon reaching out to IDPs IN Muea-Buea

Who are internally displaced persons?

According to the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement, internally displaced persons (also known as “IDPs”) are “persons or groups of persons who have been forced or obliged to flee or to leave their home

s or places of habitual residence, in particular as a result of or in order to avoid the effects of armed conflict, situations of generalized violence, violations of human rights or natural or human-made disasters,

 and who have not crossed an internationally recognized border.”

What challenges do internally displaced persons face? 

People forced to flee or leave their homes – particularly in situations of armed conflict – are generally subject to heightened vulnerability in a number of areas. Displaced persons suffer significantly higher rates of mortality than the general population. They also remain at high risk of physical attack, sexual assault and abduction, and frequently are deprived of adequate shelter, food and health services.

The overwhelming majority of internally displaced persons are women and children who are especially at risk of abuse of their basic rights. More often than refugees, the internally displaced tend to remain close to or become trapped in zones of conflict, caught in the cross-fire and at risk of being used as pawns, targets or human shields by the belligerents

What rights do internally displaced persons have? 

springboard staff talking to IDPS

Like all human beings, internally displaced persons enjoy human rights that are articulated by international human rights instruments and customary law. In situations of armed conflict, moreover, they enjoy the same rights as other civilians to the various protections provided by international humanitarian law.

The Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement, created in 1998, restate and compile existing international human rights and humanitarian law germane to the internally displaced and also attempt to clarify grey areas and gaps in the various instruments with regard to situations of particular interest to the internally displaced.

The Guiding Principles note that arbitrary displacement in the first instance is prohibited (Principles 5-7). Once persons have been displaced, they retain a broad range of economic, social, cultural, civil and political rights, including the right to basic humanitarian assistance (such as food, medicine, shelter), the right to be protected from physical violence, the right to education, freedom of movement and residence, political rights such as the right to participate in public affairs and the right to participate in economic activities (Principles 10-23). Displaced persons also have the right to assistance from competent authorities in voluntary, dignified and safe return, resettlement or local integration, including help in recovering lost property and possessions. When restitution is not possible, the Guiding Principles call for compensation or just reparation (Principles 28-30). source:



Food Distribution to IDPS In Muea-Buea

Distribution of basic food assistance for vulnerable internally displaced persons.

The deteriorating nature of the anglophone crises in Cameroon has exposed many people (men, women, and children) to strive in deplorable conditions. These people are mostly emotionally, psychologically and physically wounded, owing to the fact that this malaise has roped them off their means of livelihood, education, good health, and sense of belonging.

IDPS in Muea-Buea

Springboard foundation in their usual concern to help humanity and alleviate living standards sought out to bring smiles to internally displaced person in the Buea municipality precisely those who reside in the Muea locality on Saturday 2nd of February 2019, as reach out to about 60 IDPs to help both children, youths and adults meet their nutritional needs, with food stuff and other items.

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